
More Efficient Jet Engines Made Possible with Manufacturing Tech


By using next-generation additive manufacturing technology to produce cleaner, lighter, and performance-driven gas turbine engine hardware, Autodesk Research helped turn an ambitious vision for aviation into a market-ready solution. During a 3-year R&D program, the team from Autodesk Research partnered with GE Aviation and others as part of a consortium with the shared goal of increasing the fuel and energy efficiencies of jet engines while reducing environmental impact, regardless of whether the engine powers a large airliner or a light utility craft.

Learn more in the blog post, General Electric Collaboration Targets Jet Engine Efficiency with Generative Design.

“Our primary mission was to build a jet engine with more thrust, while burning less energy and emitting less carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.”

Nick Markovic

Research Manager, Autodesk

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